Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Trixi Trena - The Most Interesting JRT in the World

Trixi Trena has been nominated for Region 5 MVP.  So what better way to start the campaign than use our blog to get the word out?

She's valuable not only in flyball but also in helping around the house.

Trixi also is skilled in social networking.  She even set up her very own facebook page.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

No Soup For You

Well, sadly Duu-wain has wised up to the sleeping blog posts.  It's like the Soup Nazi on Seinfeld.  Except instead of soup it's sleep.  Duu-wain's started wearing his hoodie over his head so NO SLEEP FOR YOU.

Looks like Xero tends to agree with her dad on the topic too.

That's okay though . . . there's always some other unsuspecting sleeping dude in the DR! crating area. 

If we run out of our own club members, we may have to bring back Mr. Bill.  He's not afraid of venturing into unfamiliar territory  . . .  No club is safe when Mr. Bill's around.  Mu-wahahahahaha.

Friday, March 11, 2011

I Missed You Guys . . . But Not That Much

That's what Kim said to us when we were recapping the March tournament on our Dogz Rule! yahoogroup.  She had to miss the tournament to help run her agility club's trial (she's been trial chair for quite some time).

While she was there, she ran some agility with Pogo, Trixi and Stella.

Pogo Agility Star

The highlight was Pogo.  While he likes flyball well enough (he'll run for cheese), he sure LUVS agility.  And he kicks some a#@ at it.

Here is a link to video of Kim and Pogo completing their NATCH-6 run (that's NATCH 6 times over!).  I tried to embed the video on the blog post, but alas, Facebook does not seem to allow this.  Darn you FB!

Pogo is one of the few dogs in the USA and Canada that have achieved this title.  Not bad for a 10 year guy!

Oh and even though Kim was not at the March flyball tournament in person, she was supporting her flyball team in spirit.  In the video you can see her wearing her DOGZ RULE! hoodie.

You rock Kim.  And so does Pogo.  Big congrats from your flyball family!

Friday, February 4, 2011

"Goals are Dreams with Deadlines"

The title of this post is fitting.  It's a quote by Diana Scharf Hunt.  (Google never ceases to amaze me.  I found the perfect quote and since I had no idea who the person was . . . I googled her too).

Almost exactly 1 year ago, DR! set a club goal.  This ever important goal we were striving for did not include breaking into the 16s (we did),  taking a couple of teams to CanAm (yep, we did) or even take 1st in Division 1 at the December tournament (heck yeah - we did), but it was to take a picture of Duwain sleeping at every tournament we went to this past year.

 Guess what?  We did that too.

January Tournament
March Tournament
April Tournament

June Tournament

July (with Mr. Bill)

August tournament (Kim subbed for Duwain)

On the way to CanAm

CanAm in October

DR!'s tournament in November

December Tournament

Welcome to DR! Danielle!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Story of Trog aka Boys I'm Taking Charge Here

So back in October, while we were at CanAm, Kim and Duu-wain gave me a new flyball nickname.  Trog. 

At first I thought they said "Tron" which got me quite excited because that was a pretty great movie (the original, not the remake.  I heard the remake was not so awesome).  If only I had one of those bikes that appeared when you leaned down . . . man, that would be sweet.  But, no, it was not "Tron" it was "Trog" like "frog" with a "t" Kim said.

Now I didn't know what that meant.  Perhaps it meant something cool?  Anyway, I didn't have time to ponder such things -  we were playing flyball at the CanAm.  So I went about the day deciding conferring about lineups, ordering encouraging teammates to push passes, scolding consoling when we early passed and other sorts things a dictator team player does.

Since it was Saturday of the CanAm games,  clubs were pushing for their fastest times to get to the Invitational.  We came oh-so-close again to hitting the 16s with 4 Dogz, but instead of running really fast, we ended up running clean (even though we were trying for fast).  4 Dogz with Ballz placed 1st and Dogz in Da Hood placed 2nd. 

At one point during the day, Duu-wain went shopping and got me a present - a new shirt.  It was then when I started to suspect that "TROG" might not be such a good thing.

My new shirt.  I like presents.

But, getting a new shirt made me happy. 

Later that evening, when Kim popped in her iPod, I learned the true meaning of "Trog."  It stems from a Todd Snider song.  Todd Snider is a singer-songwriter and during his intros, he tells stories.  Trog is mentioned in several song intros, but it is in the song "The Story of the Ballard of the Devil's Backbone Tavern" that we first learn about Trog. 

Hmm, my teammates were trying to tell me something.  They knew from practice and tournaments, I tend to be bossy driven and controlling dedicated.  How could you not enjoy spending three days in a van with me!?  Hey, at least I didn't make you pee in a bottle when we were making good time on the drive to Indy!

So the nickname has stuck.  If you pass by our crating area at tournaments and glance at our job board, you may see "BY ORDER OF TROG."  And that's the story.